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2022-11-29 来源:网络 作者:佚名



1.A.It ran for as long as some years.


2. D. water of with added sugar. 3. B.He found two 17th- oil . 4. A. They are . 5. D.Save her sick . 6. C.She has to face a #

7. A.She from the of cold. 8. B.She comes from the city of Cape Town. 9. A. It has a flat at the top. 10. C. She has . 11. D. It is more than . 12.C. a study guide.


13. B. His study is badly . 14. D, An .


15. C. them using color and . #

16. B.It is a moral to guide 's . 17.A. It may . #

18. A. The rule must give way to more . 19.C. They have not seen as much as . 20. B.'s at the . #

21. D. to work with team to . 22. D. one's form of from time to time. 23. A. They are as . 24. D. It a high value on . 25. C. Its terms may not be . #



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