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2022-11-12 来源:网络 作者:佚名

英语四级考试终于结束了!6月15日上午今年上半年英语四级考试落下帷幕,今年的英语四级难不难英语四级试题及答案,你考的怎么样?小编整理了完整版英语四级听力真题及答案,仔细阅读及翻译真题答案,四级写作范文英语四级试题及答案,一起来看看吧。 #

四级真题及答案持续更新中…… #

英语四级听力真题 #

NEWS 2 #

On 1 , new come into which an leave bonus for who put off until the age of 23 for women, and 25 for men, the South China Post . The bonus was young to delay in line with China's one child . But with that now being , this is no , the says. #

In , a young at a told the paper that they to their as soon as to take of the an extra was a big deal for them. In one had about 300 to get the day after the were than the usual of 70 and 80. But one tells the paper that the still have to be by local and these take time. So who are to for can relax.


3 and 4 are based on the news you have just heard.


3. What was the of the leave bonus in China? #

4. What do we learn about the new ? #

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