英语四级答案:今年6月英语四级仔细阅读真题及答案最新!今年6月英语四级试卷一/试卷二/试卷三仔细阅读1+2等题型答案。 #
今年6月英语四级阅读答案:试卷一仔细阅读1+2 #
仔细阅读1 #
one most kids grow up #
46 C cover the walls of an ole house with #
47 D they are -by #
48 B they their in on the theme of each
49 D it is an open area for to enjoy year
50 D it has some works #
51 A may not able to carry them for cure
52 C their easy and by
53 A the of CBT and CBT is most
54 B their not be
55 D human
今年6月英语四级阅读答案:试卷二仔细阅读1+2 #
1 pew
46 D they are just as and as men #
47C their may have to do with #
48B bias
49D have as to women will make good
50A a women in the of #
Two ’s #
51B there has been a in most
52Cit more on an than on a
53A they tend to live
54B they are than their
55D our grow up in an ideal #
仔细阅读3 #
46A they may not a
47B they can to #
48B they are more to get #
49A they are more to care
50C extra care for women
51B #
52A it is to the way our work
53D of names #
54D it most often a group #
55C they more with their