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教师资格考试初中英语说课指导:Natural disasters Reading

2010-08-28 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网

教师资格考试初中英语说课指导:Natural disasters Reading




教材分析: #

本课是第六单元的第二课时,主要通过听,说,读等方式让学生了解台湾地震, 并学会在遭遇地震时如何逃生。通过多媒体手段,可以直观,生动地让学生了解到地震的可怕性。这样可以提供学生生动的描述画面,谈论所看到或听到的灾难场 面。此外学生还应该学会怎样面对这些灾难,采用什么样的逃生方式最有效,我们应该以什么样的心态,心理素质去面对等等问题,从而达到学以致用。所以处理这 一块内容,我们选用了同桌讨论,小组讨论,集体探讨的方式,最后师生一起得出结论。这样既拓宽了学生的思路,又将话题扩展到:无论面对何种自然灾难,我们 都不能轻易放弃。整堂课提高了学生听、说、读的能力。 #

学情分析: #

在 这节课之前,学生已经在本单元第一课时学了天气和自然灾害的相关内容,这说明学生头脑里已经构建了有关灾害的词汇,为进一步谈论台湾地震这一话题奠定了基 础。本课时是本单元的阅读部分即第二课时,学生在这堂课上既可以巩固前面所学的语言知识,又可以通过充分的说和读进一步发展语言运用能力,为后面的maintask写的任务打下伏笔。 #

Teaching aims and demands:


1.Knowledge objective(知识目标) #

To let the students learn something about the Taiwan earthquake. #

To guess the meaning of words and expressions in the text


To learn some new words and phrases about the earthquake. #

2. Ability objective(能力目标)


Enable the students to learn to answer some questions about the earthquake.


Enable the students to learn to finish the table about the earthquake.. #

Enable the students to learn to protect themselves in the natural disasters. #

Enable the students to improve their skills of listening ,reading and speaking. #

3.Emotion objective(情感目标)


To let the students have a sense of protecting themselves and others in the natural disasters


To form good relationship of cooperation between students or teachers and students through group activities


Key points:(重点)


Learn the Taiwan Earthquake and what Timmy did in it. #

Difficult points:(难点) #

Learn what we should do when the earthquake happened


Teaching aids


multi media,


Teaching methods: #

Coperation-learning, discussion, Tasked-based teaching.


Teaching procedures:(见教案)略


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