1.Stay/keep in touch with /: 与......保持联系 #
you go, stay in touch with me,
无论你去哪里, 请与我保持联络。
Stay in close touch with the ! #
和公司保持紧密的联系! #
I try to keep in touch with by . #
我通过读报纸使自己知晓当前的形势。 #
2.Get/be in touch with : 与某人取得联系 #
I shall get in touch with you again .
我很快再和你联系。 #
How can I get in touch with you if your phone is off all the time?
I got in touch with my first lover. #
3.Be out of touch with /:未与某人来往,不接触某物
We've been out of touch with Roger for years now. #
我们至今已有数年未与罗杰来往了。 #
He is out of touch with the . #
4.Lose touch with : 与某人失去联系 #
He says he has lost touch with his .
Jenny has lost touch with all her old . #
珍丽和她所有的老朋友都失去了联系。 #
Stay in close touch with my class, you’ll be out of touch with me. 课后欢迎登陆大耳朵英语网站播客:, 与其它听众一起互动学习本课内容,把你最近有联系,取得联系或失去联系的事与我们分享,我也会亲自参与大家的学习和讨论保持联络英文保持联络英文,并提供帮助。 #
让我们一起学好英语吧!这里是Faith口语课堂-天天学,我是Faith老师,听歌的时间到了,Pixie Lott演唱的Mama do(uh oh, uh oh), 希望你喜欢啊。。。