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2010-09-10 来源:未知 作者:凌波丽

Several aspects of language development discussed in Reading Passage 3 are listed below. #

  Match each aspect with the appropriate model from the box below, according to the information in the Reading Passage. Write the appropriate letter (A,B,C,or D) in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.


  Aspects of language development #

  Answer #

  Example      Population of territory                 A #

  33. "wave" model #

  34. Romance languages #

  35. proto-Indo-European #

  36. European languages #

  Models #

  A     Colonization C     Convergence


  B     Divergence D     Replacement #

  Questions 37-39


  Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, according to the information in the Reading Passage. Write your answers in boxes 37-39 on your answer sheet. #

  37. What are three ways in which the languages of Europe are related?


  38. On what basis does the author decide that Chinese and Japanese are not related to European languages?


  39. According to the tree model, what was the original proto-language for English?


  1.    E


  2.    I


  3.    F #

  4.    A #

  5.    C


  6.    H #

  7.    circadian rhythms.


  8.    (an) early lunch


  9.    opportunities // challenges // challenges and opportunities #

  10.   (likely) immediate future // immediate past #

  11.   himself // herself


  12.   others // other people // outside causes // faults of others #

  13.   (its) appropriate cause(s)


  Reading Passage 2                        The Muang Faai Irrigation System …… #

  14.    B #

  15.    E #

  16.    I


  17.    G #

  18.    L #

  19.    J


  20.    two correct out of :    vegetables, herbal medicines, herbs, wood #

  21.    two correct out of :    rice, beans, corn, (native) vegetables


  22.    two correct out of :    pigs, ducks, chickens #

  23.    (wet) rice / (fish)


  24.    E, A, D [any order] #

  25.    Two correct out of :    F, A, C [any order] #

  Reading Passage 3                The Origins of Indo-European Languages


  26.    A


  27.    L


  28.    C


  29.    G #

  30.    J #

  31.    I


  32.    D #

  33.    C


  34.    B


  35.    D #

  36.    B #

  37.    vocabulary, grammar, phonology [all three must be correct] #

  38.    comparison of words/vocabulary/numbers/features // compare (the) words #

  39.    proto-Indo-European #

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