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2010-07-27 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网

青岛IELTS2010年5月15日启用新址的通知 #



青岛IELTS考点及将迁至崂山区松岭路238号,中国海洋大学,并将于2010年5月15日(星期六)正式启用。考点新址距原址约15公里;从考点正门步行至考试楼需10-15分钟(详见下图),请参加5月15日及之后考试的考生请提前做好前往新址考试的准备,避免迟到。如有疑问,请致电:0532 6678 7010,或登陆中国海洋大学外语学院网站http://。祝您考试顺利! #

IELTS tests in Qingdao will be held in the new venue from 15th May 2010 #

Qingdao IELTS centre will move to 238 Songling Road, Laoshan District, Foreign Languages College of Ocean Univerisity of China. The new venue, which is about 15 kilometers away from the previous one, will get its first IELTS on 15th May 2010. There’s another 10-15 walking distance from campus entrance to the test building (route shown in the map below). Candidates attending IELTS in Qingdao from 15th May 2010 onwards (included), please leave plenty of time in travelling to the new location. For any enquiries, please call 0532 6678 7010, or visit website of Ocean Uni Good luck!第一考试网


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