1."Shipment on Jan.1” is a(n) way of stipulating the date of shipment. #
A. adaptable
B. inadaptable #
C. flexible
D. inflexible #
答案:D #
2.If the latest date of shipment is January 20, 2005, the goods should be shipped #
A. before January 20
B. between January 15 to January 25
C. on January 20
D. on or before January 20
答案:D. #
3. In order to prevent the from opening the L/C late, the exporter should stipulate at the same time “The relevant L/C must reach the not later than January 31, 2005.” #
A. seller…buyer #
B. buyer…seller
C. buyer…importer #
D. seller…exporter
4.Terms of shipment include #
A. shipping documents #
B. port or place of loading and unloading #
C. partial shipment and transshipment #
D. time for shipment #
答案:ABCD #
5. In the following expressions, are not the proper ways of stipulating time of shipment.
A. Shipment on or about June 20, 2005
B. Shipment not later than July 31st , 2005
C. Shipment on June 20, 2005 #
D. Shipment to be made immediately.
6.If the shipment date is “first half of August ” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped #
A. before August 15th
B. After August 15th #
C. August 1st to the 15th, all dates inclusive. #
D. August 1st to the 15th, excluding August 1st. #
答案:C #
7. Which of following expression of shipment date is clear and flexible?
A. Shipment on or about July 2
B. Shipment on June.20
C. Shipment as soon as possible.
D. Shipment to be made during the middle of September, 2003. #
答案:A.D #
8. Which of the following words applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to exclude the date mentioned? . #
A. to #
B. till
C. after #
D. from #
1.When traders set the time for shipment in a contract, the exporter should consider whether he can get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if the goods are ready. ( )
2. If the L/C stipulates that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date, then the latest shipment date is construed as July 21st. ( ) #
3.Methods of transport is one of the terms of shipment. ( ) #
4.The term “ first half” of a month refers to 1st to 16th . ( )
5.Sometimes, the L/C only stipulates an expiry date without shipment date, which means these two dates are the same. ( )
答案:对 #
三、英汉互译 #
1)UCP500 #
2) liner freight tariff #
3) expiry date #
4) ports of call #
5) partial shipments
6) liner transport
7) sailing schedule #
8) shipping space #
9) dispatch money #
10) bunker surcharge
答案: #
1)《跟单信用证统一惯例》国际商会第500号出版物 #
3)有效期 #
4)挂靠港 #
8)舱位 #
9)速遣费 #
10)燃油附加费 #
4)转船附加费 #
5)装运港 #
6)装运有效期 #
10)信用证 #
答案: #
1) shipping by chartering #
2) presentation of documents
3) break contract
4) transshipment additional #
5) port of loading #
6) shipment date
7) terms of contract #
8) the latest date for shipment
9) terms of shipment #
10) letter of credit