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卡萨布兰卡歌词 -黄莺莺inlove(图)

2023-02-07 来源:网络 作者:佚名


(卡萨布兰卡) (Album ) - 黄莺莺 (Tracy Huang) #

I fell in love wIth you #

Back row at the show in the lIght #

Pop corn cOKes The Stars #


love on the long hot 's nIght #

I you fell in love wIth me #

hands the fans #

in rIck's lIt cafe #

in the from the spots #

in rocky in yours arms #

magIc in the movIe in your old #

Oh a kIss Is stIll a kIss in


A kIss Is not a kIss your sIgh #

come back to me in #

I Love You more and more each day as tIme Goes by


I guess there're many in


You know I've never been there #

So I don't know #

I guess our love story wIll never be seen


On the bIg wIde


But It hurt just as badly when I had to watch you Go #

Oh a kIss Is stIll a kIss in


A kIss Is not a kIss your sIgh


come back to me in


I Love You more and more each day as tIme Goes by


Oh a kIss Is stIll a kIss in #

A kIss Is not a kIss your sIgh #

come back to me in卡萨布兰卡歌词


I love u more and more each day as tIme Goes by #

I love u more and more each day as tIme Goes by


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