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busting 嘉德秋拍预览|Note:See,

2023-01-08 来源:网络 作者:佚名

Noun (1)

from & ; buste "part of the torso above the waist," going back to , from busto "tree trunk" (15th- Upper ), "part of the torso above the waist, , or the head and upper body," going back to Latin *būstis "trunk," of Latin fūstis "stick, rod, " by with a word of like


Note: of *būstis in Italy with the "trunk" are in Upper and to a in the south (see ); of Italy Old bustz "torso," () büst, ( [ of the upper Rhine]) best "tree trunk, torso,bodybusting, ," bu?teán "tree trunk." The of busto it with Latin " pyre,mound" but the of a in sense from " mound" to " of the upper body" is not by thebusting, which shows a clear "tree trunk" > "trunk of the body." #

Verb #

of with loss of /r/ /s/ #

Note:See note at hoss


Noun (2)




from use of


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