1、B、broad,2、A、ripen 3、D、riddle 4、A、thrill 5、C、tablet #
6、Where be???、admiring 7、--where is???A、should be 8、I hesitated???B、find ,
9、Steve look??? D、meently,10、This time???C、will be ??? 11、The ukulclc??? C、smoll Hawaiian musical 12、--Do you???B、bangain??? 13、---in thought???A、Lost 14、You can’t???D、how 15、 I don’t want??? C、change 16、Women enployees??? A、have been??? 17、Never??? B、has 18、Many careers??? D、however 19、The clock???C、must 20、Don’t ask???D、sensitive
Ⅲcloze: #
21、motivate22、deal 23、specifically 24、raise 25、regular
26maintain 27tool 28.likely 29 in 30.achieve #
31.able 32 successful 33.applied 34expectation 35、benefit; #
36、which of the following…B.bird songs 37、what difficulty…A.they lack modern technologies 38、how do people …D.satisfied 39、which statement…C.scientists and Kenyan… #
40、which of the following is true about Maya…B.it provides …
41、what is tory …C.taking care… #
42、what is advantage…B.it keeps… #
43、which of these would …A. a staff
44、what have you learned …D.harry potter fans
45、what does Paragraph 3…C.they appear in …
46、for snowy owls …A.to pretend …
47、what will snowy owls …D.they may stop #
48、which of the ??B、They influenced???
49、In which aspect???B、Their musical???
50、What did Crosby’s??? B、Ease and comfort #
51、What is most??? A、The cultural ??? #
51、what is mostly like to be … #
52、what does Lefthanders…B.to show discrimination #
53、according to recent studies …C.at age six #
54、compared with …C.do better in most professions #
55、lefthanders are advised …C.changing hand prefenrence