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2010-09-01 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网



第一考试网整理了2010成人高考专升本英语同义词解析 #

matter affair thing concern business


这组名词都有"事情"的意思。 #

matter 所表示的"事情"在含意上比较模糊,通常指客观存在的或有待处理的问题。


Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means. #



affair 以单数形式出现时,通常指一般的"事情",而以复数形式出现时,通常指重大的"事情".不管单、复数这 个词所表示的"事情"都包含着"在进行中"、"处在过程中"或"交易、交往"的意思。


Having found out that his wife had an affair with another man, the poor man wanted to kill himself. #



Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value. #



thing 在含义上比 matter 还要模糊,有时为了含糊其词而有意用 thing.如:I hope things’ll be better in the future.


The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.




business 所表示的"事情"或"事务"多与"职务"有关,有时这个词指强加的"任务".口语中的"None of your business!"(这不是你的事!)以及"Mind your own business!"(多管闲事!),很能说明 business 的这种 含义


Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.


尽管如此,神经毒液毒杀人类比血毒液快得多。 #

如果想表示个人的或者与个人有直接关系的"事情",最好用 concern,这与concern 在用作动词所表示的"关心" 有联系 #

It’s no concern of mine. #

这不关我的事。 #

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