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2011-08-19 来源:互联网 作者:第一考试网

英语四级阅读部分答案及精解与点评3 #

The January fashion show, called FutureFashion, exemplified how far green design has come. Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge, the show inspired many top designers to work with sustainable fabrics for the first time. Several have since made pledges to include organic fabrics in their lines.


The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges. Scott Hahn, cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loomstate, which uses all-organic cotton, says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to find. “Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren’t comparable fabrics that can just replace what you’re doing and what your customers are used to,” he says. For example, organic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtually indistinguishable once woven into a dress. But some popular synthetics, like stretch nylon, still have few eco-friendly equivalents. #

Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support. Last year the influential trade show Designers & Agents stopped charging its participation fee for young green entrepreneurs (企业家) who attend its two springtime shows in Los Angeles and New York and gave special recognition to designers whose collections are at least 25% sustainable. It now counts more than 50 green designers, up from fewer than a dozen two years ago. This week Wal-Mart is set to announce a major initiative aimed at helping cotton farmers go organic: it will buy transitional (过渡性的) cotton at higher prices, thus helping to expand the supply of a key sustainable material. “Mainstream is about to occur,” says, Hahn.


Some analysts (分析师) are less sure. Among consumers, only 18% are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago. Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unconverted consumer. When asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied: “Not that I’m aware of.” Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she’s on the hunt for “cute stuff that isn’t too expensive.” By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind. But-thanks to the combined efforts of designers, retailers and suppliers-one day it will be.


57. What is said about FutureFashion?


A) It inspired many leading designers to start going green.


B) It showed that designers using organic fabrics would go far. 移 #

C) It served as an example of how fashion shows should be organized. 片、无


D) It convinced the public that fashionable clothes should be made durable. 无


答案:A。此题为细节题,A选项为第一段第一句的同义表达,因此为正确选项。Green这个词可能一开始会对一些同学造成理解上的困难,但我相信稍微有点生活常识的同学或者稍微往下读一点的同学就会发现”green”这个词不是“绿色”的表面含义,而是“环保”这个现在比较流行的含义。此题的B选项稍微有点迷惑性。本该是green design goes far, 却安到了designer的身上,所以是移花接木。C错的比较明显,是原文明显没有提及的信息,或者看做不是原文提及的重点也可以,无中生有或者片面肤浅。D选项错的很明显,出现了无中生有的信息。 #

总结:此题难度2颗星,定位简单,答案明显,大部分同学都会得分。 #

58. According to Scott Hahn, one big challenge to designers who will go organic is that______.


A) much more time is needed to finish a dress using sustainable materials无 #

B) they have to create new brands for clothes made of organic materials无


C) customers have difficulty telling organic from non-organic materials无、答 #

D) quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available #

答案:D。此题为细节题,D选项是范围内最后一句话的统一表达,所以为正确选项。此题定位不难,但答案不是在信号词出现的句子,而是稍微往后,有点耐心读下去就能发现。A和B比较容易排出,出现了明显的无中生有的信息。其中A选项的time在以前的四级阅读干扰项中也出现过。上过我课的同学应该记得我在第一节课讲解2006.6.17那次四级真题汽车防盗器这篇文章的时候,其中的第2、4道题中的干扰项中均含有time这个无中生有的信息,所以都排除掉了,这道题也是同样的道理,看来time这个词是出题人很爱用的一个干扰词,大家以后应多注意。C选项最本质的错误是答非所问,C所说的内容原文有所提及,但不是这道题问的”big challenge to designers” 的答案,或者有的同学从customers这个词上把C按无中生有来处理也可以,总之很好排出。


总结:此题难度1颗星,定位答案所在句微有难度,大部分同学都能答对。 #

59. We learn from Paragraph 3 that designers who undertake green fashion________. #

A) can attend various trade shows free 推


B) are readily recognized by the fashion world 移、无、推


C) can buy organic cotton at favorable prices 移 #

D) are gaining more and more support


答案:D。根据题目中的”learn”, 所以此题为显性推断题。答案就是第三段的中心句,也就是第一句话。D选项页没有违反比较级原则,因为中心句中含有比较级。A错在了推断过度。原文直说参加Designers & Agents的展览免费,不能推断出参加各种各样的展览都免费。B比较好排出,recognized这个概念原文出现过,但也只是 New York给的,而不是fashion world。另外fashion world可以但做无中生有或者推断过度处理。C选项说到了价钱的问题,原文范围内说道是Wal-Mart以更高的价格买进商品,而不是designers以优惠价格买有机棉,所以可认为是移花接木。 #

总结:显性推断题中最简单的一种,答案就是第三段的段首中心句,是我上课反复强调的容易出答案的地方,不应该错,此题难度1颗星。上课认证听讲的同学都能答对。 #

60. What is Natalie Hormilla’s attitude toward ecofashion? #

A) She doesn’t seem to care about it. #

B) She doesn’t think it is sustainable. 推、无


C) She is doubtful of its practical value. 推、自 #

D) She is very much opposed to the idea. 推、自 #



总结:观点态度题重出江湖,难度为0,地球人都应该做对。 #

61. What does the author think of green fashion?


A) Green products will soon go mainstream. 推


B) It has a very promising future.


C) Consumers have the final say. 无 #

D) It will appeal more to young people. 无


答案:B。此题貌似观点态度,其实为主题题。答案处在最后一段最后一句。或者纵观整片文章的行文,稍有语文常识的同学也能从上下文看出正确答案应该在A、B两项中。C、D错的很明显,无中生有,而且D选项还可以用“比较级原则”来辅助排除。A具有一定的迷惑性,可能有的同学(尤其是不认识B选项中promising这个词的同学)会选它。A错在了soon这一个词上,是推断过度,从原文虽能看出作者是支持并且肯定绿色商品的未来的,但推不出“不久”就会成为主流。而B则把这个意思表达的更圆滑,说“会有一个有希望的未来”。 #



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